Guiding Principles
The NC State Faculty and Staff Ombuds Office adheres to the highest standards and practices within the ombuds community as promulgated by the International Ombuds Association. The office operates pursuant to Standards and Ethics from the International Ombuds Association – the IOA Code of Ethics and IOA Standards of Practice. The core tenets are that the office is confidential, independent, impartial, and informal.
The Faculty and Staff Ombuds is:
Communications with the Faculty & Staff Ombuds Office are confidential to the fullest extent of the law. The Ombuds Office will not confirm that communications with any visitor took place or disclose any confidential information without the visitor’s express permission and agreement of the ombuds. Exceptions to confidentiality include permission of the visitor, where there is an imminent risk of serious harm (physical harm), where abuse and neglect are suspected or where otherwise required by law.
The Faculty & Staff Ombuds Office does not participate in any internal NC State formal process. The Faculty & Staff Ombuds is not a designated responsible employee as contemplated under Title IX and is not a campus security authority as outlined in the Clery Act and the VAWA.
The Faculty & Staff Ombuds Office is independent in structure, function and appearance to the highest degree possible. It operates independent of ordinary line and staff structures and exercises sole discretion over whether and how to act regarding individual matters or systemic concerns.
The Faculty & Staff Ombuds Office makes periodic administrative reports to the Chancellor, Provost and other senior leaders. These reports include aggregate data to document the number and type of visitors and the categories of issues while maintaining the confidentiality of all identifying information. The reports may also include trend observations and recommendations from the ombuds.
The Faculty & Staff Ombuds Office is impartial in all activities while supporting fair processes. The office does not take sides in any conflict, dispute or issue. Its goals are to help empower people to generate options, connect with existing University resources and help those involved to reach outcomes that are consistent with the mission and policies of the University.
The Faculty & Staff Ombuds avoids involvement in matters where there may be a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest occurs when the ombuds’ private interests, real or perceived, supersede or compete with dedication to the neutral and independent role of the Faculty & Staff Ombuds. When a conflict of interest exists, the ombuds takes all steps necessary to disclose and/or avoid the conflict.
The Faculty & Staff Ombuds Office is an informal issue and conflict resolution resource. It does not formally investigate, arbitrate, adjudicate or in any other way participate in internal formal processes or actions. Use of the Faculty & Staff Ombuds Office is voluntary and not a required step in any grievance process or University policy and faculty and staff members have the right to consult with the Ombuds Office without retaliation.