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Dec 6, 2021

The Ombuds – We Listen

I was speaking with a visitor late last week. We ombuds identify people who we meet with as visitors because when they meet with us its off the record. They are not our clients and we don’t represent them; instead they are visiting. So, I was speaking with the visitor who was sharing a concern…

Mar 26, 2020

Ombuds 20:2 / Reframe to Us v the Problem

Feb 24, 2020

Ombuds Role and Risk Management

I’ll be participating later this week in a URMIA (University Risk Management & Insurance Association) regional conference in Raleigh where I’ll have an opportunity to talk with attendees about how an ombuds can help an organization address and manage risks. I’m attending on behalf of the International Ombuds Association (IOA) along with its Executive Director…

Dec 12, 2019

Ombuds Office as Safe Place to Raise Issues

An ombuds office is designed to be independent, confidential, informal and impartial. It is an alternate communication channel for an organization by providing a safe space to bring issues forward. A recent article by International Ombudsman Association (IOA) Executive Director, Charles (Chuck) Howard in Bloomberg News highlights this aspect while considering all the whistleblower considerations…

Aug 26, 2019

Skilled Listening – an ombuds super power!

One of the most important skills I bring to the ombuds role is listening. It’s one of our ombuds super powers! For many people who visit the office, it’s what they are seeking. Someone to listen. Let me note that listening does not mean one agrees; instead, it means one is focused on fully hearing…

Aug 5, 2019

Meet Your Campus Troubleshooter – the Ombuds

Apr 29, 2019

Summer Coffee Hour with the Ombuds!

Come meet the faculty and staff ombuds – Roy Baroff. He is holding a “Summer Coffee Hour” on the last Wednesday of the month in May, June and July. This is an informal opportunity to learn about ombuds services, say hello or help the ombuds learn more about working at NC State. Look for the sign…

Mar 21, 2019

What Kind of Boss are You?

As I work with faculty and staff at NC State, a significant number of issues focus on evaluative relationships – meaning, people bring concerns about their direct report. For 2018, evaluative relationship concerns were the primary identified issue for faculty (37%) and staff (54%) visitors to the ombuds office. In many ways, this is not surprising…

Feb 22, 2019

Organizational Ombuds Support is Neutral and Impartial

Toward the end of last month the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) offered comment on proposed amendments to Title IX regulations to the Department of Education. I’m both a member and a Board member of IOA and value that organizational ombuds have an association home for education, networking and ombuds promotion. And, as I read the…