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Confidentiality at the NC State Faculty Ombuds Office


One of the hallmarks of an ombuds office is confidentiality. In ombuds terms, this means that all communication with the faculty ombuds office is off the record with two limited exceptions – if there is imminent risk of serious harm (to oneself or others) or if required by law ( if information of child or elder abuse or neglect).  Otherwise the person contacting the office retains full control over what hapOffice Safepens with the information shared.

Confidentiality also extends to not maintaining records with identifiable information and for providing a secure storage location for materials that are confidential and actively in use. For a period of time, I’ve carried such files with me; however, I’ve added secure storage to the faculty ombuds office in the form of a small safe.   Check it out!

I hope this clarifies “confidentiality” at the NC State Faculty Ombuds and please contact the office if I can be of assistance.